Nakita is 9 months old from Scarlitt and Zeus. She loves my kids and has a great personality.
~ Colleen Marino

Mya at 15 Weeks Old

Kilo loves to fish!
- The Hightowers

I can hardly believe that tiny, snuggle bug, cry baby puppy I brought home turned a year old today.
~ K Dee

Tikaani was chosen to appear in a magazine!

Tikaani’s doing real well at 8 and a half months. Everyone compliments him on how beautiful he looks.
- Mark S.
Nekoda is an awsome dog. Loves to play and is getting super big!
- The Nelson’s

We could not have picked a better puppy. Dakota is 8 month old.
-Michele B.

With a beautiful face like this, Penny can do all kinds of "Devil Dog" things and I’d still love her.
- Connie

This is Meeko at 8 months old!! Meeko is a sweet lovable boy, so wonderful with everyone!!
-Katie Schroer

You have no idea how much this girl has changed my life... Novah is my best friend. If it were not for you, I would have never been blessed with such a loving friend. I can not thank you enough.
- Brianna Schultz

We took home this beautiful boy that was smaller than a loaf of bread… he has grown into this huge, beautiful, loyal dog. Thank you so much.
- Sawyer
We got Quinn last summer (the little red one). She’s a real lovey and wonderful dog. Thank you so much.
-Cindy Gay

Kiska is our little blessing.
So glad we got her from you.
Thanks so much!


Bella is from Aspen and Macie’s litter. She is very sweet and we absolutely love her.
- Dwayne and Donna Conklin

Boots and Bella -
They love each other so much Thanks for 2 great dogs!
- Mary
Luna and Shaddow
are 9 and 10 years
old now and are the
joy of our lives.
- Glenn & Mary Lu

Smokey weighs 17.6 pounds and loves Polar!
- The Gambles

This is Maya out of Kiowa and Talla’s litter. She is now about 1.5 years-old.

I adopted Mollie almost 4 years ago and can’t help but think how lucky I am to have found such a loving and loyal dog.
- Don

This is Tanner, one of Zeus’s puppies. He has gotten big and has los of energy. Here he is with his brother Tango.

Angelo and Ruby are both doing GREAT!
I couldn’t love them more. My family and friends are also in love with them.
-George Signoriello

Rocky is turning three this December. He’s the friendliest pup ever… We love him! Thanks again,
- The Dougherty’s
Tundra Riggs. Thank you Dixi and Conner.
- Dawn Riggs

Thanks for the memories Cody has already brought us as an additional member to our family.
- Margaret. Bruce, Megan, & Caitlin

We are so happy with Cuma,
I would go with a Malamute from D&J Kennels again.
- Annette & Christoph

My sister took these pictures of Max and they are too cute not to share. Max is 16 months old and weighs 83 lbs. He’s the best!

Hi Julie, this is McKinley. His DOB is 7/11/2020 from Cubby and Denali. He ran his first FastCAT in White Post, VA last Sunday and won for fastest male Malamute. We are so proud of him! And Happy Birthday!

He had a fun fun day!!! Neo has such a sweet temperament- very friendly, plays with dogs all sizes, loves getting petted and attention n hugs n cuddles n kisses from everyone in the neighborhood and has a good stamina for fun. He’s the heart of the family.
Thank you!
Hi. Ally is doing awesome. She is so sweet. Very active but so so sweet and kind.

This is Nova, she is on the smaller side around 40lbs. She has always been very calm for a husky, she is basically a couch potato, and very smart and sweet.

Happy New Year! Just wanted to let you know that today, Raven received her final puppy shots and rabies vaccine! She is 34lbs! Vet asked how big her parents were because he said she’s going to break 50lbs. I was like yeah, she’s going to be about 70-80.

Azula met Santa today!

Getting her spayed on January 12 she's a cutie!

Ghost's first "real" snow. He was so happy!

Rocky and Skye just want to say hello! They have become inseparable!

She is perfect!!! She’s such a loving girl and SO smart!

Hi Julie, the new pup is doing well. She is 5 months and 35lbs so far. Her temperament is very loving and affectionate. Very happy with both of them.
In the future I would like to add a malamute. I do like your new pup Hondo. I will inquire in the future about a pup from him. For now I am enjoying my pups. Have a great day . Take care

Just had Kong to the vet, 13.8 lbs seems to be healthy,next vet visit Tuesday April 4th,he's adjusting well already.

Hi Julie! I just wanted to let you know that Jax is doing wonderful! He is 12.4lbs now.. sleeping all night with me and in fact gets back in bed after going potty if I am not up yet, lol. Last night my husband and him were in bed before me and he sat at the end of my bed and waited for me to come in (barked twice too) and snuggled in right next to me when I came in. Hes going potty outside wonderfully.. only a few accidents. He’s adjusting to his crate during the day but hasn’t been in there too long yet. Vet gave me Bravecto flea and tic oral med to use for this month and then potentially switch to a collar or 3 month dose next time. He’s just wonderful. We love him so so much.